Electrical contractors affiliated with CVET enjoy all the advantages of having a highly trained workforce at their disposal for all of their projects, big and small … because with over 1400 members, IBEW Local #666 represents the largest pool of pre-qualified, experienced and reliable electrical workers in Central Virginia.


IBEW Local #666 recruits, trains and retains qualified and experienced workers for CVET contractors – taking the burden off of our contractors to find a qualified workforce … assuring CVET contractors get only the best prepared and most capable workers through the use of:

  • Testing procedures that verify each applicant's abilities,

  • Substance-abuse testing policy that ensure a drug-free work force

  • A flexible work force that allows an increase or decrease in manpower whenever needed.


Through CVET collaboration with their employee electricians, member contractors are assured that their electrical workers and technicians are properly prepared to do any job – because CVET contractors help oversee and administer workforce training through the Richmond Electricians’ Joint Apprenticeship and Training Center!


What's more, our contractors' consistent dialog with its workforce through IBEW Local #666 helps promote:

  • Mutual understanding,

  • Strong professional relationships, and

  • Workplace harmony.


NECA Membership: Another Advantage


The Atlantic Coast Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association (ACC-NECA) represents, promotes and advances the interests of its member electrical contractors – particularly in promoting the regional industry, capturing market share for its members and advancing the service delivered to project owners/customers.


Specifically, as members of ACC-NECA, contractors enjoy:

  • A Strong Voice in the Industry

  • Business Support

  • Management, Professional and Technical Education

  • A Professional Peer Network


For more information on ACC-NECA, click here.

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Central Virginia Electrical Team


Phone: (804) 672-2234